Thursday, August 11, 2011

In Retrospect, It Was Probably a Bad Idea

I was bored. What can I say? Boredom makes you do crazy things.

I was sitting there on my couch, wondering what I could possibly do to alleiviate the boredom when my friend called.

"There's a party tonight at Jason's place. You in?"

"Damn straight!"

So I got ready and picked up some tequila, salt, and lemons and headed over to Jason's.

Jason is a cool guy. He's got this big house and a pool and a fooseball table. Well, we were all having a good time and got to talking, you know? The way guys do when they're bored and have had a bit to drink.

Well we got to talking about shit we pulled in high school. We'd all known each other for years, you see, and had pulled some crap in our younger days that seemed really funny back then.

We were all saying how we did this or that, then someone would say, "Yeah, but you'd never do that now." Then some of us would go and do one of those things. To prove we still could, you know? Like Frank swore he would ask Casey Hamilton out again if only he hadn't lost her number, then Louis found her number so Frank had to call her and ask her out. She said no, of course. Everyone knew she would. But he did it. That was the point.

So when it was my turn, you know I had to do it. I mean, Frank called Casey.

I swear, I didn't know streaking was illegal.

Do you think, officer, that I could possibly get something to wear now?

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